Dedicated to sharing the truth of Turah in a way that is simple and relatable.

Dedicated to sharing the truth of Turah in a way that is simple and relatable.

Message from AmarYaH

Message from AmarYaH



Shalom and welcome to Trumpet’s Call! I’m AmarYaH! It is my pleasure to have you join us here in this safe space. This, a place where you can let go of your burdens, if only for a little while is one of truth and of discovery. You are welcome to watch videos, communicate with other Hebrews, learn, teach, explore.
Yashar’al is rising once again. And as we rise, let us link arms with one another and ascend as one united family. One day soon, we will be fully restored as the priests and kings of this earth!  As we await the sound of the shofar’s blast and our gathering home back into the Land of Promise, may we make every effort to grow in grace and love toward our Heavenly Father and toward each other. This is Trumpet’s Call. Welcome - I’m so glad you’re here!

Shalom and welcome to Trumpet’s Call! I’m AmarYaH! It is my pleasure to have you join us here in this safe space. This, a place where you can let go of your burdens, if only for a little while is one of truth and of discovery. You are welcome to watch videos, communicate with other Hebrews, learn, teach, explore.
Yashar’al is rising once again. And as we rise, let us link arms with one another and ascend as one united family. One day soon, we will be fully restored as the priests and kings of this earth!  As we await the sound of the shofar’s blast and our gathering home back into the Land of Promise, may we make every effort to grow in grace and love toward our Heavenly Father and toward each other. This is Trumpet’s Call. Welcome - I’m so glad you’re here!

Download the 2025-26 Calendar!

Download the 2025-26 Calendar!

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Hebrew Basics | What is Salvation?
Hebrew Basics | What is Salvation?
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Message from Yah | It's TIME to Stand Up!
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Sista Chat | Language, Communication is the Goal!
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7 Judgments on the Horizon and How to Prepare!

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Donations are not required,
but are appreciated.

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© 2024 Trumpet's Call. All Rights Reserved